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About me

Hi my name is Yvonne Foght welcome to my web-shop Hell Rose!

I have a 4 year education as Clothing Designer at the Sewing & Design School in Copenhagen, and graduated in 1990 with a final Fashion Show at the school. I started my brand Yvonne Foght Design / SubWave and opened my first shop in Nansensgade in Copenhagen K.

My mother taught me to sew on the Elna sewing machine when I was 9 years old and I have always been very creative with beading, drawing, painting and sewing always knew I wanted to do something with clothes and design. Around 14-15 I became a punk and always went to thrift stores where I found many cool creations that I just re-sewed with more details, rivets and laces and got my dad's shirts that I cut holes in and redid to make it look raw and worn. So it was very natural that my brand became raw and more fetish.

At the age of 20 I took the office training at the same time as I started at the Sewing & Design School in Copenhagen. My collections started with New Romantic with ruffled shirts and leather pants and Goth style and went more into fetish in patent and leather and lingerie.

Over the years I have had shops all the fancy places in Copenhagen bla. Studiestræde, Frederiksundsvej, Studiestræde, Istedgade and Gothersgade

I have made clothes for bands like DAD and Black Sun, delivered red lacquer hotpants for Lars Von Triers movie Breaking The Waves